
Online Registration:

  • The registration fee includes the complete program of the ISRM2024 Conference and paper publication.

Here are the conference fees: 

Early Registration/IFToMM Members
Registration after March 04, 2024
Accompanying Person

 Registration policy:

  • For each submitted paper, at least one author must register, pay the conference fee and present the paper.
  • The paper will be published in the Springer Proceedings book only if the registration form and proof of payment are sent to
  • Registration as “accompanying person” does not entitle to attend the conference sessions or receive the conference kit, (including the proceedings book), but just to participate to social events.

Here is the link for registration: Link

Please, do not forget to write the number of the paper/papers for which the payment is made: Registration Fee ISRM2024 – Paper No.

  • 1st step: Preregistration: You will have to enter your name, and affiliation, to choose your registration fees. Then, you will receive a confirmation e-mail inviting you to proceed to the 2nd step.


  • 2nd step: Registration and Payment (Credit card, bank transfer or order form)


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